Discover new labour potential

New arrivals offer new opportunities for your organisation. As a newcomer in the Dutch society they cannot wait to start working for you. They have the competencies, work experience and are highly motivated. They just need a little support so they can have a good start within your company. Our Recruiters speak the language, know the background and culture of these new arrivals. This enables them to find potential candidates via multiple channels for your vacancy in an effective way. Discover new labour potential for all your vacancies.

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New chances

Searching amongst new arrivals is for many organisations an unknown territory. Whereas the main hurdle for new arrivals is how to get in contact with potential employers. Although there are enough candidates that could be a good match. To utilize this unused labour potential, we offer customized recruitment. We give new arrivals the opportunity to build a new existence. And you will be able to fulfil your vacancies.


Our mediation

Our mediation is unique. Your vacancy is the starting point and based on your job requirements we will start looking for the right potential candidate . After a thorough pre-selection, including intake, screening and diploma evaluation, we will have a good picture of each candidate . We are not only guiding the candidates during the hiring process but also after the placement. Our mentors will support the candidates in finding their way in your organisation and the way of working, to ensure both you and the candidate are happy, and remain so after the placement.


Get your CSR goals

With the placement of a new arrival you will give substance to your Corporate Social Responsibility goals. Furthermore by integrating a new arrival you will formalize your inclusion policy. Currently too many of them are without work and are on social welfare or have work far below their level of education. Having a job contributes to self-respect, language learning and the development of self-reliance and independence. Various organizations are already working on it. We do it in our own unique way.

From one’s own culture

Our recruiters speak the language, know the background and culture of these new arrivals.  That creates a bond. And this is very important, because trust is the basis to find the right match.


Refugees coming to the Netherlands are often well-trained and their skills and attributes represent significant economic potential for receiving organisations. Of course there are differences between the Dutch and, for example, Syrian education system, but to a great extent they match. This we will assess for you too.

Creative solution

Our way of recruiting is definitely a creative solution. It requires only a small change in mindset. But you will get a lot in return. Our candidates are highly motivated, loyal and have a lot to offer. In this way you contribute in a creative way to a sustainable solution for both parties.

Commitment on both sides

After the candidate’s placement the first steps into the new role will require the necessary attention. Commitment on both sides is a must to be successful. That is why we also assume a long-term placement to give it a healthy chance. You can count on our support. You will get an employee for life willing to invest in further (re-)training.


Labour market shortages

Many sectors are struggling with a tight labor market. Think of the many vacancies in IT, the construction sector, Healthcare, Education. With some (re-)training new arrivals can be of great value. These are not the only sectors we are active in. We are open to vacancies in every industry.


Contact us

Do you want to know more about how to fulfil your vacancies with these new talents? Just make an appointment. We are looking forward meeting you. In an exploratory talk we will tell you all about our new way of recruiting.